
Aeriane has been involved in several important scientific developments.

OPERA Experiment wit the CERN

In search of the neutrino, ghost particle of the universe.

Giant scintillators for OPERA

In collaboration with IIHE (Brussels), VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and IPHC (University of Strasbourg), we have developed giant scintillators designed to detect events linked to the passage of neutrinos in the Gran Sasso detector.

Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien – IPHC IIHE Logo - Homepage


OPERA detector in the Gran Sasso tunnel, Italy.

The Aeriane scintillators are installed between walls made of lead bricks laminated with photographic emulsions.

Princess Elisabeth Antarctic Station

The first zero-emission Polar Station

Design of a zero-emission polar station.

Aeriane was part of the development team for the Princess Elisabeth polar station.



+32 (0)81/62 57 10


Rue des Poiriers ,7

5030 Gembloux
